The devoted LMI students shown up for the talk about Virtual Rehab, gave by the students Emanuella, Natália and Marília. The talk stimulated several discussion with professor Antonio Carlos from the Informatics Department and prof. Antonio Augusto from the Electrical Engineering Department and his wife, professor and physiotherapeutic Anairda Souza.
Group Meeting – 05/05/2017
Last Friday during our regular group meetings, we had two presentations. The first talk was about the device communication protocol L3, developed by Prof. Dr. Mardson and in analysis by the student Wilter Dias, who also gave the talk. The other presentation was about the evolution of the Smart-Home Project (SHS) and the next challenge on 3D-maps for blinds, project in development by the student Jefferson Lacerda.
Presenting LMI to Informatics Center new students
During the semester Computer Week, Prof. Dr. Mardson Freitas de Amorim presented the LMI to new students from Computer Engineering and Computer Science. Hopefully in the near future some of them will show interest in our research and will be part of our team.
IEEE CEIDP 2014 (Des Moines, EUA)
Acoustic detection of single and multiple air-gap partial discharges with piezoelectrets transducers
XXIV CBEB 2014 (Uberlândia, Brasil)
Relative humidity in neonatal incubators: implications of thermal sensation on new borns
XIII Brazilian MRS meeting 2014 (João Pessoa, Brasil)
Electrical response of open tubular piezoelectrets exposed to low pressures stimulations
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IEEE EMBC 2014 (Chicago, USA)
Instrumentation for the detection and interruption of apnea episodes for premature newborn
Physics Of Dielectrics 2014 (San Petersburg, Russia)
Improved thermal stability of FEP ferroelectrets through inner voids surface modification
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